
January Meetup - Notation showcase & Sheets, scraping and sites

Tue 23rd January 2024 18:30
Meetup logo RSVP on Meetup Now

We’ll be meeting at FanDuel on Freer Street (their new offices, next to the canal), on Tuesday 23rd January, 18:30 for drinks & pizza, a 19:00 start for the talks.

Our talks are geared towards introducing members of our community, to facilitate networking, mentorship, learning and collaboration. People with all levels of technical expertise are welcome.

This month we have:

Watch our trailer on YouTube!

We will have some pizza and drinks available before the talks: a great chance to socialise and network with fellow JavaScripters. Please RSVP so we have rough numbers for catering.

More details about the talks and a livestream link will be posted on our website at edinburghjs.org.

We have set up a Discord server for people to share links, tips, jobs and JavaScript problems. We will be posting slides after the event there. Join via the link on scottishtechnology.club.

If you will have financial difficulty in paying for transport to the event then please do let us know, as we have a diversity and hardship fund.

Our meetup is sponsored by KPV LAB Edinburgh - Building next-generation platforms and experiences to explore and visualise information and knowledge. kpv-lab.co.uk

Many thanks to FanDuel for providing us with a venue.

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